About Preventing Gun Violence!
I will be a strong voice for gun violence prevention in the Missouri Legislature. As a retired teacher, I am all too familiar with the impact that gun violence has had on our communities. From active shooter drills to mass shootings in public places, to children gaining access to unsecured weapons in their homes, it’s no wonder the CDC has declared gun violence to be “a serious public health problem.”
Missouri has one of the highest rates of gun deaths, gun homicide rates, and household firearm ownership. We don’t have foundational laws in place to protect citizens from gun violence— no laws requiring background checks or permits for handguns, no statewide concealed carry permit law, no extreme risk or “red flag” laws, and no laws requiring secure storage and preventing child access to guns and ammunition. In fact, Missouri legislators have weakened gun violence prevention laws, making it easier for people to purchase, and for people of all ages to have access to, guns and ammunition.
Many gun violence prevention policies and laws—like the ones listed above and so many more—are very popular with Americans, including those who own guns. Many Missouri gun owners are responsible and wish to keep themselves and others safe from gun violence. However, gun violence prevention legislation is often blocked by Republican legislators in Missouri who are beholden to the gun lobby. I am proud to have the Gun Sense Candidate distinction from Moms Demand Action. I will stand up to the gun lobby and legislators who choose to put profits over people’s lives.